Archer & Armstrong Comic Book Optioned

July 14, 2014 It appears as though Valiant Entertainment could be joining the likes of Marvel and DC on the big screen.

Valiant’s Archer & Armstrong is reportedly being adapted into a film. A reliable source told Ain’t It Cool News the script is completed and that Valiant has given their stamp of approval. Valiant is ready to head into production as soon as possible.

The Archer & Armstrong comic premiered in 1992 and was relaunched in fall 2012. AICN reports the movie will follow the more recent take on the story by writer Fred Van Lente and artist Clayton Henry.

The comic focuses on teenager Obadiah Archer; he has a gigantic family (22 brothers and sisters) and his purpose in life is to fight evil. Armstrong is an immortal who has been alive for thousands of years; he’s initially one of Archer’s antagonists, but ends up having to work alongside him to solve a mystery.

Reportedly, the primary villains of the film will be the One Percent, and Armstrong’s brother Eternal Warrior is slated to appear.

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