July 18, 2014 Ales Kot and Michael Walsh’s Image Comics series, Zero, is headed to television, according to a Hollywood Reporter interview with Kot.
The Zero comic book series is an espionage thriller with an experimental bend, telling it’s story through a non-linear narrative.
“The TV series is not the same as the comic,” Kot said, “but it has a very similar high-strung energy, an interest in many of the same themes and an atmosphere that lies at the intersection of a stylized, adrenaline-heavy action thriller and an existential spy horror. It’s an exploration of the secret superagent archetype, of American dreams and of American dread — an examination of privacy, security, freedom and what we do for them.”
The series is still in early stage, but the comic is still being released monthly.
Courtsey of: http://comicbook.com/blog/2014/07/18/image-comics-zero-series-in-works-as-tv-show/