Uncharted Comic Book Optioned

July 8, 2011 Gamers breathed a collective sigh of relief when David O. Russell finally gave up the ghost on his poorly conceived plan for an adaptation of the hit PlayStation 3 game, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, back in May. Sony still wants to see the movie happen though, and another director has been tapped to replace Russell: Limitless helmer Neil Burger.

Burger will write as well as direct, Variety reports. This shouldn’t come as any surprise, what with Russell having left the project due to creative issues. Those issues being, he wants to make a movie about a Sorpanos-like family of art thieves which, while a potentially entertaining setup, has absolutely no connection to the game’s established fiction.

We’re not out of the woods yet, but at least gaming’s biggest blockbuster movie-like experience is getting a second chance. Let’s face it: Uncharted is already pretty much packaged as an Indiana Jones-like action adventure. If Hollywood screws this one up, there really is no hope for game-to-film adaptations.

Courtesy of: http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/2011/07/08/uncharted-adaptation-goes-to-limitless-director-neil-burger/

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