The Forgotten Comic Book Optioned

August 29, 2009   According to The Hollywood Reporter, producers John Wells and Don Murphy have optioned the rights to the forgotten by Evan Young and Jareth Grealish.

Newsarama reported on the comic – and the duo’s efforts to bring it to print – in May of 2004. As Patrick Neighly wrote: One of my favorite independent graphic novels of recent years is the forgotten, a contemporary mystery about a retired superhero with the power to alter memories – investigating the death of a stripper even while a pair of tabloid reporters investigate him. Part Powers, part Watchmen, part Scene of the Crime, the forgotten is a surprisingly accomplished debut from authors Evan Young and Jareth Grealish. the forgotten was originally published as a four-issue miniseries with several different artists. But one of the astonishing things about the collected edition is how cohesive the story is visually.”

Or, as THR describes the hook of the comic: The comic centers on a man who, no matter what he does or whom he meets, is forgotten five minutes later. While it gives him great power and leeway as far as investigations and problem-solving, it leaves him incredibly alone. When the son of a long-lost friend is charged wrongly with murder, he uses his powers to get to the bottom of a conspiracy.

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