Queen and Country Comic Book Optioned

September 9, 2013 Greg Rucka’s incredible spy comic gets optioned for a movie, with a great actress who I can’t possibly imagine being right for the role.

Queen and Country is an outstanding comic book, a real world (-ish) spy drama focused on MI6 agent Tara Chace, a steadfast and brutally efficient operative who is conflicted by both the impossible missions she undertakes, as well as the ambiguous morality that behind missions.  Imagine, if you will, that 24 underwent surgery to remove all its cheese balls, then replaced Jack Bauer with one of the best written, best realized female heroes in modern comic books… this is pretty much that.

Courtesy of: http://kastorskorner.com/wp/2013/09/09/queen-country-coming-big-screen-ellen-page/

Posted in Blog, Comics Optioned
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