July 13, 2015
I was given some pretty awesome information last night from a rock solid source. This was information overheard at SDCC. I was told that Matt Hawkins properties Think Tank and Postal have been optioned under the Universal/Legendary deal to turn Fanboy Film material into TV shows and FILM. The company producing has a HIGH SUCCESS rate of actually making the shows, opposed to letting them sit on shelves.
This news was hinted by Hawkins a few weeks back on his Facebook page, but details finally were discussed at his table this weekend. He also hinted at it again today on his Facebook
This information was going to be released at SDCC, but the powers that be didn’t want it to be swallowed up by all the DC/Marvel news which I think was a great idea.
Courtesy of: http://comicbookinvest.com/2015/07/13/postal-and-think-tank-tv-show-optioned-by-universallegendary