Lucifer Comic Book Optioned

February 5, 2015  When it comes to comic book television, each of the major broadcast networks has their own offering for the fans. In Fox’s case, they have had enormous success with the Batman prequel Gotham, so much so that the network recently ordered a second season. With their procedural doing well, they’re now turning to the more mystical side of this medium. Following in the footsteps of NBC’s Constantine, Fox may give fans another small screen supernatural character in the near future, and this one comes straight out of Hell.

Fox has greenlit a pilot for Lucifer, based on the Vertigo character, according to Bleeding Cool. The pilot will be developed by Tom Kapinos, the creator of Showtime’s Californication, who will serve as the showrunner, and is described as a “slice of life” drama that will take place in and out of Hell and in Los Angeles. Lucifer originally received a put-pilot commission from Fox back in September, meaning that if the network doesn’t air the pilot, it would have to pay a stiff penalty fee.

Originally modeled after David Bowie, this specific depiction of Lucifer was introduced in Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series back in 1989, and after appearing in that book for over 10 years, Lucifer received his own series that lasted from 2000 to 2006. Growing tired of the prejudices that mortals held towards the devil, and dissatisfied overall with his existence, Lucifer gave up control of Hell and retired to Los Angeles, which is fitting since it’s nicknamed the City of Angels. His spinoff series saw him running a bar called Lux. If the TV series follows the comic books closely, free will vs. predestination will likely be a major theme, as Lucifer has repeatedly tried to escape the stigma that’s been attached to him ever since he rebelled against God.

If Lucifer gets more episodes ordered, this will make Fox the third broadcast network to have more than one comic book series, following The CW, which has Arrow, The Flash and the upcoming iZombie, and ABC, which has Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Agent Carter (although they don’t air at the same time). It would also be Fox’s second current supernatural-themed show after Sleepy Hollow.

While superheroes are a big draw both on movies and television, it’s good that Fox is following in the footsteps of The Walking Dead and giving viewers a non-superhero comic book story to tell on their channel. With all the people running around in tight costumes and masks, it’s important to remember that these aren’t the only tales being told in this medium, and something like Lucifer adds diversity to the lineup. If you’re not keen on crimefighters, give the former ruler of the fiery afterlife now living in L.A. a chance.

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