Incognito Comic Book Optioned

August 30, 2010 Another Icon comic is Hollywood bound, Michael Fleming reports, as INCOGNITO, the supervillain vengeance caper by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, has been optioned by by Fox. Peter Chernin and Circle of Confusion’s David Engel will produce and the screenwriter attached is playwright Robert Schenkkan.

“He’s not your typical villain and I was trying to blend the trappings of pulp, comic and noir genres,” Brubaker told me. “Zack was raised to be his world’s equivalent of a supervillain. We’ve all seen the story of a good person who goes undercover and gets corrupted. This is a bad person forced to live among regular people, and how he’s affected by that. He once ran around with a mask, but now he’s got the fake name and the fake job. My goal was to have you rooting for him as he grows a conscience.”

Big time congrats to Sean and Bru — over time — SLEEPER, CRIMINAL — they have established themselves as trusted purveyors of quality genre entertainment. SLEEPER, the story of an undercover superhero who is forced to go into even deeper cover — has been in development at Warners for a while.

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