Hope Falls Comic Book Optioned

September 14, 2011 Future Films has optioned the feature rights for Hope Falls, the comic book by Tony Lee and Dan Boultwood.  Bleeding Cool describes the comic as “about a girl who returns to her home town after twenty years, who is then revealed to have been murdered by a group of men who are now prominent town citizens, and she’s out for some supernatural revenge.”  I get a bit lost when I venture into the world of comics, but based on cursory searches, Hope Falls looks like a smaller title.  But it’s a big idea, and “girl with a vendetta” is a proven cinematic foundation.  Seems primed for adaptation.  Hit the jump for more on the comic.

Publisher Markosia lists this synopsis for Hope Falls – The Ultimate Edition:

Twenty years ago they murdered her – and now she’s back to even the score, as Helen, a falling Angel returns to the town she died in to extract revenge on the four men who killed her – while discovering an Angelic conspiracy that dates back to Jesus Christ. Will God allow her to gain vengeance? Or is the Angel Michael right about her true purpose?

I like the way Lee pitched it back in 2007:

“It’s The Crow meets Twin Peaks when Helen, a female Angel free falling towards Hell, returns to the steel mill town where she was killed twenty years earlier — to extract revenge on her four murderers. But then there’s a little bit of a Da Vinci Code twist when Michael, the Angel trying to stop her, discovers that the original murder and current revenge spree were both sanctified by the church and Heaven itself.”

Courtesy of: http://collider.com/future-films-hope-falls-movie/


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