Dark Matter Comic Book Optioned

October 15, 2014 Continuing it’s spree of picking up comic book properties, SyFy has acquired Dark Matter for a limited television run on the network.

Dark Matter is based on the four-issue Dark Horse series from Stargate writers Paul Mullie and Joseph Moalozzi, and artist Garry Brown. The story was originally written for television and then adapted for comics, and has now seemingly come full circle.

Dark Matter tells the story of six passengers on board a derelict spaceship who awake from stasis with no knowledge of who they are our how they got there. They’re forced to work together to survive a series of threats, but trust is hard when everyone seems to be carrying secrets with them.

“Dark Matter is a refreshing and entertaining space opera that blends an intriguing premise with fast-paced suspense,” Chris Regina, Senior Vice President, Programming, Syfy, said. “It will be a terrific addition to our prime time schedule next year.”

Prodigy Pictures (Lost Girl, XIII) will produce 13 one-hour episodes of Dark Matter for its limited run, set to air on SyFy in 2015.

Courtesy of: http://comicbook.com/2014/10/15/syfy-to-adapt-dark-matter-for-television/

Posted in Blog, Comics Optioned
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