July 22, 2010 Deadline Hollywood broke the news last evening that the Image Comic has been nabbed by Circle of Confusion, the same force responsible for hooking up Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming’s “Powers” with FX and getting Robert Kirkman’s “The Walking Dead” into the hands of AMC.So far the potential TV version of “Chew” has lined up Stephen Hopkins (“24″) to direct and executive produce. His TV pedigree (which balances drama, horror and some comedy) seems pretty well suited for a show starring a cibopath cop who solves crimes, in part, by receiving a psychic impression from the evidence he’s sometimes forced to eat.
I suspect a “Chew” series would likely follow the footsteps of its Circle of Confusion predecessors and hit a cable network that can handle its occasional salty language and graphic eating scenes, but I suppose it’s all just a matter of taste in the end.
…I-I’m really, really sorry for that one, guys.
Courtesy of: http://comicsalliance.com/chew-optioned-for-tv-by-circle-of-confusion/